
    1. Introduction
      1. What is interactive computer graphics?
      2. What is graphical user interfaces (GUI)?
      3. What is virtual reality?
    2. Viewing in 3D
      1. Parallel projection
      2. Perspective projection
    3. Basic raster graphics algorithms for drawing 3D primitives
      1. Geometric transformations
      2. 3D clipping
    4. Visible-surface determination
      1. Z-buffer algorithm
      2. Binary space partition trees (BSP)
      3. Visible-line determination
    5. Illumination and shading
      1. Flat shading
      2. Gouraud shading
      3. Phong shading
      4. Color and vertex normal interpolation
    6. Photo-realistic graphics
      1. Recursive ray tracing
      2. Volume rendering: marching cubes method
      3. Radiosity method: progressive refinement approach
    7. Implementation and practice
      1. Graphics data set
      2. spheres plus checkerboard
        a teapot
        a hallway of a building
        a complete church
        a new computer science building under construction
        brain data (X-ray) of computed tomography
      3. How to construct the new building data for 3D graphics?
      4. Other modelling methods and tools
    8.  Demonstration
      1. Graphics tools on PCs and Sun SparcStations